
A safe harbour with all services for your boat and various possibilities for you to relax and enjoy the lovely area: The Marina Müritz lies at the southeasterly shore of the Müritz, Germany's largest lake. Sailers and skippers will find a very well equipped marina in an idyllic surrounding. Even though the marina is right next to the Müritz, it is very safe - with a newly fitted breakwater.


Quality and management
When leaving your boat or yacht in the Marina Müritz you can be sure it will be in a safe harbour and in safe hands. We have organised everything to a set standard - including little jobs, the main organisation of the harbour and the management. This structure will make sure, that you will get the same service - no matter whether you will come during high season or off season. And our team will always have enough time to tend to high quality service - with whatever we can help you.


Accessibility tested by Travel for All

Our catering facilities, the Captain's Inn and Pirate's Bar and the Port Office are certified for their accessibility.

  • Apartements

    You also need accommodation on the mainland? No problem!

  • Camping-Car-Marina Müritz

    Are you travelling with a trailer boat and camping car? Visit us!

  • Trailer package

    Ein Boot wird gekrant und zu Wasser gelassen.

    If you are a trailer captain, we can offer you special rates.

  • E-charging station

    Going on holiday with an electro car? No problem at Hafendorf Müritz!

  • shopping and cash machines

    When supplies are running low, you can go shopping for groceries here.

  • Captain`s Inn

    Sonnenterrasse vor dem Restaurant im Hafendorf Müritz.

    Whether you sleep on land or on your boat, you can eat in the restaurant!